my $test;
my @words;
# string with the number to be split
$test = "12345";
print "n The string is: $test.n";
# use the split function to split out the numbers and put them into an array
@numbers = split //, $test;
print "n";
print "The first element in the array is: @numbers[0]n";
print "The second element in the array is: @numbers[1]n";
print "The third element in the array is: @numbers[2]n";
print "The 4th element in the array is: @numbers[3]n";
print "The 5th element in the array is: @numbers[4]n";
# put the elements of the array into the string with dots in between them
$test = @numbers[0].@numbers[1].@numbers[2].@numbers[3]." ".@numbers[4];
print "n The test string with a space is now: $test.n";
print "n";